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Episode 36: Four other reasons to go plant-based diet (#1 Choose compassion and reduce suffering)

4 other reasons to go plant-based diet (#1 - Choose compassion and reduce suffering)
Pathways to Wholeness Lifestyle Medicine

In lifestyle medicine we know that plant-based eating is great for our health. When you go plant-based, you significantly increase your chances of avoiding today’s leading chronic diseases and experiencing a long vibrant life. But good physical health is only one of the many reasons why you should go plant-based. There are at least 4 other benefits which we explore in the next 4 episodes. The first is that it’s the most compassionate way of eating towards the animals we share this earth with. In this episode we discuss the animal agriculture industry and the immense suffering that animals often endure in order for us to enjoy our steak and burgers. By choosing plant-based eating, we are making the choice to reduce suffering and promote a more compassionate world.


Bacon in Reverse (PETA)

The modern day slave trade? (

Choose compassion through plants (

The Lifestyle Is Medicine podcast is produced by Pathways to Wholeness Lifestyle Medicine in Toronto, Canada. Pathways is a medical centre that promotes wholistic health through lifestyle medicine. Pathways provides compassionate, evidence-based medical care at two clinics in Toronto: the North York Lifestyle Medicine Clinic and Junction Lifestyle Medicine Clinic. Learn more at:

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