Naturopathic medicine and wellness shouldn't just be for those with means. Unfortunately it too often is.
It shouldn't be this way.
The benefits of naturopathic medicine and a healthy lifestyle should be for all.
We at Pathways are on a mission to change this through our Compassion Initiatives: sacrificial activities and services that bring naturopathic and lifestyle medicine to those who may not otherwise be able to access or afford them.
“Our Vision is for every individual in our community, regardless of socioeconomic condition, to experience optimal wholistic health based on the principles of lifestyle medicine.
Learn more about our current Compassion Initiatives
Compassion Health Clinics are free health clinics featuring dental, naturopathic medicine, psychological, allied health, lifestyle education, spiritual and other human services for the less fortunate. Learn more here.
Discounts and special offers for low-income, disability, unemployment and students. Learn more here