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Episode 28: Vegaphobia

Pathways to Wholeness Lifestyle Medicine

In lifestyle medicine, we promote a whole foods, plant-based diet. But going plant-based isn’t always easy. There can be a stigma attached to being vegan and unsympathetic friends and family may make life difficult.

But vegans can also make life difficult for others and there are negative perceptions of vegans as arrogant, judgmental and over-zealous.

If you’re transitioning to a plant-based diet, how can you deal with the negative perceptions and pushback while still being a winsome example? And are all vegans obnoxious zealots?



If I became a vegan, my family and friends would hate me

Vegaphobia: derogatory discourses of veganism and the reproduction of speciesism in UK national newspapers

The Lifestyle Is Medicine podcast is produced by Pathways to Wholeness Lifestyle Medicine in Toronto, Canada. Pathways is a medical centre that promotes wholistic health through lifestyle medicine. Pathways provides compassionate, evidence-based medical care at two clinics in Toronto: the North York Lifestyle Medicine Clinic and Junction Lifestyle Medicine Clinic. Learn more at:

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